2023 Apple Wine
“Father of Apples,” our apple wine has a sweet, bright apple aroma paired with a crisp, delicate apple palate, finishing off dry.
The Tale of ALMA-ATA
Our travels shape our lives and our stories. The tale of Alma-Ata begins in a town in the Republic Kazakhstan….
During John Higg’s career with Philip Morris, he and Shelby spent years in Europe and Asia. John worked in Kazakhstan for 3 years. It was there John learned that Kazakhstan was the birthplace of the apple. The name Alma-Ata means “father of apples” in Kazakh.
Today, the Higgs family continues the legacy begun by the family patriarch, James Higgs. Join with them as they celebrate 4 generations of farming in the Shenandoah Valley by introducing the second vintage of their apple wine, Alma-Ata.